Project 1001: May 20, 2024; Led Zeppelin III by Led Zeppelin
Tangerine, tangerine / Living reflection from a dream / I was her love, she was my queen / But now a thousand years in-between
Well, well, well. After a string of what a lot of readers might consider off-the-wall selections, today’s album is one with which most are familiar, if not the whole record, then at least the songs AOR stations play regularly.
Led Zeppelin is a great band and one of the pillars of hard rock. Led Zeppelin III is probably not their most popular and definitely not their best-known album. But for me it’s right up there with anything they’ve done. I love how they mixed in all the acoustic flair. And I love when artists try to grow and stretch. Sometimes it works well, other times not so well. Here it works great.
My Rating:1
The playlist is chock full of truly outstanding songs and I love them all. Tangerine is one of my favorite Zeppelin songs.
I’ve included a bonus playlist of cover versions of these songs, which I hope you’ll enjoy. Covers are one of my favorite things. I think it’s interesting to hear another interpretation. I especially love when an artist from a completely different genre puts out a great cover. The great Chris Cornell covering Tangerine? Just his incredible voice and an acoustic guitar?? Um, hell yes! T-Pain covering Black Sabbath? Yes, please!
What do you think of covers? What are some of your favorite covers?
Enjoy and listen without prejudice. Cheers!
YouTube playlist You're Welcome 73; Led Zeppelin III by Led Zeppelin
I’ve updated the rating scale. See here: